A journey of a thousand miles begins with a fabulous pair of shoes

Hudson & Bleecker


ZIPZAP was established in 2020 by Joanna and Valerie, two paediatric physiotherapists based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to bridge a gap in the market by providing access to functional and fashionable orthotic and footwear solutions to people of all ages.


“We strongly believe in inclusion and that nobody should be left out. Working as physiotherapists, we understand both the importance and challenges of finding footwear that supports foot development and cares for our feet whilst looking ‘cool’. We also understand the frustration of not being able to find footwear for orthotic wearers that accommodates and fits comfortably over SMOs and AFOs”.


Therefore, after a long…long search we believe that we have found the solution – Surestep and BILLY Footwear!


We believe in providing functional and adaptable products that promote independence and accessibility for everyone, young to old.


We believe that nobody should be left out and everyone deserves to feel a sense of belonging


We believe in improving our customers quality of life, self-esteem and self-confidence thus promoting a happier, healthier lifestyle.

We believe in providing functional and adaptable products that promote independence and accessibility for everyone, young to old.

We believe in providing functional and adaptable products that promote independence and accessibility for everyone, young to old.